Jumbo Social Sefa

Social Committee

Organize social activities for all members

Main Partners

Social Committee I & II

The Social Committee organizes a lot of social activities in order to give all our members the chance to get to know each other. Social I kicks off with the October monthly drink and ends its service with the New Years dinner in January, then Social II takes over in the second semester and lasts until the end of the year dinner in June. The Social Committees I & II are responsible for the organization of:

  • Monthly Drinks
  • The ‘Borrelmaand’ in November
  • Open Parties
  • New Year’s Dinner
  • Beerpong tournament
  • .. and much more! The Social Committee(s) ensure that you can join the best parties with your fellow students!

What can I learn as a committee member?

By participating in the Social committee you will develop your organizational skills. You will learn how to organize parties, dinners and activities from start to end, and everything that comes with it. Lastly, you will have a great time with your committee and all the students joining the Social events!