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Master Career Kick-Off Days

Sign-ups for this event are open from 13th January to 20th January 23:59

Join us for the Master Career Kick-Off—a unique three-day event designed by the MCC committee exclusively for master’s students to enhance their career prospects and connect with top companies!


The first day, January 27th, will focus on professional development activities such as workshops to optimize you CV, learn effective strategies for approaching companies, ace interview, and even the opportunity to get professional LinkedIn photos taken.

On January 28th and 29th, you’ll have the chance to participate in formal and informal activities with well-known companies from various industries. These sessions provide master’s students the opportunity to engage with companies and explore future career options. You will gain valuable insights to kickstart their professional journeys, whether this would be a starting postion, internship, or traineeship.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to develop your skills, expand your network, and connect with your future employer! Spots are limited, and applications for formal and informal activities are CV-based, so mark your calendar and secure your place!

Additional information about professional development activities can be found at the bottom of this page


Professional development activities information:

Do you still have a vacation photo or selfie on your CV or LinkedIn profile? It’s time for a change! Sefa is partnering with, the largest career platform in the Netherlands, to help you present yourself professionally. On January 27, offers you the chance to have a professional CV photo taken. This photo not only enhances your profile but also gives your CV a professional boost. Be fully prepared to stand out to potential employers and actively search for the perfect job or internship.

Want to skip the line? Create a free profile on now via this link.


Talent Solutions

Personal branding, a concept coined by Tom Peters in 1997, is the process of selling yourself to others. You already have a personal brand – you just might not realize it yet.

In this session, we’ll answer key questions:

  • Can personal branding help in your job search or career?
  • Do you know how to craft a compelling personal pitch?
  • Does your self-image align with how others see you?
  • Do you have a plan to strengthen your personal brand?

This session also provides practical steps to build and manage your reputation, such as:

  • Identifying your unique skills, achievements, and the results you deliver.
  • Understanding how others describe you and whether those labels align with your desired brand.
  • Defining your ideal brand by analyzing role models you admire.
  • Checking your online presence to ensure you’re visible for your expertise.

You’ll leave with actionable tips to kickstart your personal brand and take the first steps towards a successful career move.


Young Financials

In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to effectively optimize both your LinkedIn profile and CV to align with your career goals. We’ll explore the key differences between your LinkedIn profile and CV, and how to use both to present yourself professionally. Additionally, you’ll receive valuable tips on job applications, helping you to better market yourself and increase your chances of success. By the end of this session, you’ll be fully equipped to elevate your online presence and job applications.

Alphasights does not have a Dutch Office, but is recruiting for various positions in other places such as London, Hamburg, New York, Dubai, Tokyo and several other cities throughout Asia.