MCC (Business) Economics Boat Party
Dear fellow Master (Business) Economics students,
We have some exciting news for you!
After having organized several recruiting drinks, workshops and ASE next!2019, our time of being part of the (Business) Economics Master Career Club is coming to an end. In order to celebrate the amazing year we had together with all of you, we are hosting a boat tour on the 28th of May.
So, forget about your theses for a while and let’s end this year in a festive manner. Here are some details of how the event will look like:
– What? Boat tour including all drinks and snacks
– When? 28 May 2019, 17h-19h
– Where? The pick-up location will be Brouwerij ‘t IJ – Molen Nieuwe vaart
– Who? All Master students from the track Economics and the track Business Economics
– €3 euro pp
We hope to see you all on the 28th!
Max, John, Matthijs & Charlotte
MCC (Business) Economics