Sefa Introduction Days 2021

*This event is sold out*
Let’s start the new year with a BANG and join the Sefa Introduction Days 2021! This is the first (second when you count Prosecco Day) Sefa event of the new academic year and we are beyond excited! The Sefa Introduction Days 2021 will allow you (freshmen) to explore Amsterdam, meet a lot of fellow students, and have an amazing time! The Introduction Days will take place on Wednesday, the 25th and Thursday, the 26th of August (this is without an overnight stay). Starting both days around noon and ending in the evening. The days will be filled with fun games, drinks, bars and nice company.
The tickets for this event will cost €55,29 and the spots are limited. So first come, first serve. This ticket includes unlimited drinks at several locations, goodies and friendships for life!
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we will make use of the CoronaCheck application. This means that you either must be fully vaccinated, or; have a proof of recovery, or; have a negative test result in the CoronaCheck app.
Should you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us: Or contact us on our socials: sefa_amsterdam.
We can guarantee you that you do not want to miss this! Looking forwards to seeing and meeting you all.