TEDx Pitch Night

This Tuesday October 11th our Pitch Night evening will take place at Crea, in Roeterseiland Campus from 7 p.m.
During this event our selected group of students will deliver their 5 minutes Pitch related to our theme RE-ENVISION.
We posed them the challenging question on how the could RE-ENVISION the world, society or themselves and we will soon listen to their stories.
A skilled jury will be there to judge and choose the person who will become an official TED speaker for TEDxUniversiteitvanAmsterdam 2022.
Being part of our audience will signify being able to listen to all the Pitches and the topics that students are going to bring to the competition.
Apart from listening to diverse stories, there will be a Borrel after the winner will have been announced.
Chances of being inspired and getting to know new interesting human beings are high📈
So get your free ticket and join the TED community❤️