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Women+ event

We at Sefa are proud of the strong and expanding leadership positions that all women in the fields of business and economics have! We want to carry on the tradition that the female board members of the 99th Board started with the Sefa Women’s Event two years ago.

Women+ Event is organised by Sefa and takes place on March 19. As the event’s female organisers, we hope that the perspectives of eminent figures in the business and economics fields will benefit our fellow female* students. In addition to being a means of advancing professional growth, the networking event also acts as a vehicle for individual gender equality advocacy. Students will benefit greatly from this networking event since they will have the chance to speak with representatives from attending companies informally and learn about real-world experiences from a variety of management perspectives.
A panel discussion and a walking dinner with networking opportunities follow the session.


Please Note: Participation in this event depends on CV selection.