Jumbo Social Sefa

As Good As New Trip & Activities

Organize an unforgettable trip for AGAN members exclusively

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As Good As New Trip & Activities

The AGAN Trip & Activities committee will organise all the social activities, exclusively for As Good As New members and mentors.  You will brainstorm about the perfect location for the next As Good As New Trip, make it an unforgettable weekend for all As Good As New members. In prevoius years AGAN-ers visited to cool destinations in Europe such as Budapest, Prague and Porto. Besides the international trip you organise several social activities throughout the year that are exclusive for As Good As New members, such as dinners, pub crawls or sports or arcade activities!

What can I learn as a committee member?

During your Committee you will learn how to set up projects, organise events and gain some teamwork experience. You can develop your professional and social qualities, while enjoying your student time in Amsterdam.

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IJburg, Bert Haanstrakade 1051 Apply now
Past event
Past event
Jan 20 - Jan 23


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