Jumbo Career Sefa

Master Career Club

Connect Master students to their future employers

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Join the Sefa Masters Community! Organize Career Events, Study trips, Social Drinks and Trainings with other Masters students form the UvA.

Master Career Club

The aim of the Master Career Club (MCC) is to provide Master students of the Faculty of Economics and Business the chance to explore career opportunities to integrate with alumni and prepare themselves for the workplace by organizing several trainings, workshops, guest lectures and network activities with companies. In addition, the MCC aims to improve the social cohesion between students who are doing a Master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam. Master Career Club gives you the opportunity to build on your professional network and to get in contact with your future employers.

The Master Career Club focuses on five fields of studies: Accountancy, (Business) Economics, Business Administration, Finance and Entrepreneurship. Within the committee, there is room for the coordinators to choose and acquire  companies that they are keen to organize events with. 

What can I learn as a committee member?

As a committee member of the Master Career Club you will learn how to organize career and social events and everything that comes with it. You will also learn how to work together in an international team, and you will improve your skills based on the position within the team. Since the Master Career Club accepts students from all master studies offered by the Faculty of Economics and Business you get to network across studies.The aim of this committee is to provide Master students of the Faculty of Economics and Business the chance to explore career opportunities, take part in social events to get to know their peer students and to integrate with alumni and prepare themselves for the workplace

The recruitment for the Master Career Club 2024/2025 starts August 18 and ends September 15.

Our Master Events:

  • Ongoing: In-house days, Career Trainings
  • September: Master Welcome Drink
  • January: Masters Career Days, Main Partner Dinner
  • February: Masters Study Trip – London
  • April: Sefa Networking Event
  • May: ASE Next! & ABS Next!, Amsterdam Business School (ABS) Alumni Event in collaboration with EBCC
  • June: Master Pre-Graduation Drinks

Next to that, the Master Career Club organizes monthly Open (Pre-) Masters drinks and social activities throughout the year!