ABN Amro Clearing E-house day

Would you like to know more about the role of clearing in financial markets? With 11 offices around the globe, ABN AMRO Clearing Bank consistently ranks among the top three clearers in every time zone, based on turnover and market share. Take this opportunity to learn more about it in a presentation and a 10-minute individual meeting.
Deadline to apply: 7th of April, 23:59
ABN AMRO Clearing
During our presentation we would like to provide you with insights into the global financial markets. Afterwards you will have a clear understanding of the crucial role ABN AMRO Clearing (AAC) plays in the financial markets and where on the financial value chain our core business is.
Take a look into the “black-box” of finance, and discover what happens after a deal is made on the exchanges. We will make sure you are introduced to one of the most dynamic industries in the world. And if you’re interested – we will also discuss the possibilities to apply for our IT Graduate Programme or our Business Graduate Programme depending on your study background and area of expertise.
Who are you?
You’re attracted to the global financial markets and completing a master’s degree, not necessarily in finance. You’re highly analytical and embrace technological developments. The continuously changing environment requires an adaptive mindset. You’re curious by nature, result-driven and you enjoy learning new things in an international environment.
- 12:00 – 12:45: Presentation by ABN AMRO Clearing
- 12:45 – 14:30: Individual Interviews
Do not miss this opportunity, apply now and upload your CV before 7th of April, 23:59. We will notify you if you are selected or not on the 9th of April.