Football Tournament

Hi everyone!
On the 20th of June our most competitive event of this year will take place! We are organizing a 5-a-side Football tournament at Footy Park Amsterdam ⚽. The first matches will start at 5 PM and the tournament will end around 7 PM. Footy will provide us with professional referees, so you won’t get away with schwalbes or nasty fouls. You will need to sign up as a team of 6 to 7 people (as every team needs a substitute or two). The event is free, but we can only admit a limited amount of people. So if you don’t want to miss out, be quick! And, there will be beers!!
More information will follow soon, including prizes for the winners🏆!
Much love,
The Sports Committee
*do note that everyone in your team has to sign up individually with the names of your teammates!