Sefa Football tournament
Hi everyone!
On the 9th of June our biggest event of this year will take place! We are organizing a 5-a-side Football tournament at Footy Park Amsterdam ⚽. The first matches will start at 4 PM and the tournament will end around 6:30 PM. However, if we’re lucky we can continue the fun, because after the tournament there will be a barbeque for all the participants (If that is possible regarding the Covid regulations in the Netherlands)! Footy will provide us with professional referees, so you won’t get away with schwalbes or nasty fouls. You can sign up as an individual, in pairs or as a team of 5/6. YOU CAN SIGN UP NOW! The event is totally free, including the BBQ, but we can only admit a limited amount of people. So if you don’t want to miss out, be quick!
More information will follow soon, including prizes for the winners🏆!
All the best,
The Sports Committee
*do note everyone in your team has to sign up!