Room for discussion: Dagmar Oudshoorn (Director AmnestyNL)

Room for Discussion will be interviewing Dagmar Oudshoorn, the director of Amnesty International NL, on the 23rd of November from 15:00-16:00. Dagmar Oudshoorn has worked as the major of Uithoorn and Head of Operations at the Dutch National Police.
Now that Amnesty has existed for more than 60 years do they still hold the same values? Have their methods changed? Have they picked up a broader array of cases since the start? How effective have they been? And does their method of research, advocacy and campaigning still work as well in today’s media-driven society?
For the answer to these questions, any question that YOU might have and many more… Come and join us in the E-hall on the 23rd of November from 15:00-16:00