Superpowers training!

What’s the best way to spend the time while staying at home? Learn something new! We are happy to announce the Superpowers training provided by Skyscrapers!
The interactive training will take place on the 19th of May at 14:00 and will last for 1,5 hours. Sign up below quickly, as places are very limited!
Superpowers training:
During this session, hosted by Skyscrapers, we dive deeper into: Who am I? What are my strengths? What are my pitfalls? And more important… What are my superpowers? Our vision is that a better understanding of your own competences, before exploring the outside world, will guide you in finding a job that fits you and gives you energy. You will leave this workshop with more insight in yourself, concrete tools for further investigation and guidelines for exploring the labour market.
Ask 3 people in your direct environment (e.g. family, friends, coworkers, costudents) to mention 3 of your best traits or talents! What are you good at, what are your talents? Take those 3×3 traits with you to the workshop.
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