UvA Brug Sefa

Tom Heckmans

Supervisory Board

Main Partners

Hi there,

my name is Tom Heckmans and I was the Marketing Officer of the 100th board of Sefa. Looking back at my time with Study Association Sefa, I can’t help but feel a rush of excitement all over again. Our Lustrum year was off the charts!

It was such an honor to lead and supervise the 20th Lustrum celebration of Sefa. The whole experience was beyond amazing, and I’m still amazed at what we pulled off. It was hands down my biggest accomplishment. The support and energy from everyone in Sefa, especially my fellow board members, and partners made it all possible, and I’m forever grateful for the memories we created together.
I furthermore have a bachelor’s in Hospitality Management from the Hotel Management School in Maastricht and master’s in Digital Marketing from the University of Amsterdam (both in Business Administration). Now, I’m proud to be the Community Manager of The Villy horeca brand (part of Hanex Hospitality Group). It’s a wild ride, managing our community engagement, events, socials and more of our locations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague.
I’ll always carry the spirit of Sefa with me especially now I am part of the Supervisory Board of Sefa, and I’ll never forget the lessons I learned.
Alright, enough of the nostalgia. The future is bright, and I’m loving where we are with Sefa of right now.