Jumbo Social Sefa

Introduction Camp

Take care of the fun program of next years' introduction camp

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What can I learn as an Introduction Camp Committee member?

During your time in the Introduction Camp Committee you will work together in a team of five students. You will be responsible for the organization of the Introduction Camp that takes place before the start of the academic year. These tasks consist of: finding a suitable location, organizing fun activities and parties as well as the promotion of the camp itself to both mentors and first year students. Depending on your position you are going to guide the team, keep track of all the cash flows and the budget or set up an amazing program and marketing campaign. Furthermore while organizing the Introduction Camp you will gain many organizational skills, communication skills and of course have an amazing time and make sure the Introduction camp will be legendary again. 


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Past event
Aug 25 - Aug 26

Sefa Introduction Days 2021

Amsterdam Apply now